Staff Management

The Staff Management Policy of “Avicenna - Batumi Medical University” LLC defines the procedures and regulations for selection, recruitment, workload organization of the academic, administrative, support and invited staff ; participation in the staff evaluation, provision of incentives and participation in professional development events. 

The objectives of the Policy:

  • organizational regulation of University activities;

  • raising the motivation of the staff;

  • creating an objective and transparent system for evaluating the efficiency of the performed work;

  • supporting the University academic or administrative activities in compliance with the requirements of the good practices of the staff management as well as the Labor Code of Georgia.

The University staff management and development principles:

  • Equality - that implies an unbiased and equal attitude to all employees both during holding a position and performing the work while getting benefit from advantages offered by the employer in equal pattern;

  • Objectivity –that implies taking any decision related to employment of an entity within the established rule based on the transparent criteria;

  • Openness - that implies the employer’s orientation on the attraction of personnel through open selection or competition;

  •  Multifaceted evaluation - that implies evaluation of the personnel not only with the key task indicators or the supervisor’s opinion, but also through the participation of all members of the University community;

  •  Development - that implies promotion of the professional growth and development of the personnel by the employer.


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